We will not be held responsible for any dahlia/gardening additions you may get as a result of this guide.
For Hobby Gardeners:
For Flower Farmers Selling Fresh Blooms and Dahlia Tubers:
We recommend buying from a small grower because we inspect each and every plant for disease before dividing, only saving the plants that produce perfect stems and culling any with deformities. Our tuber sale is in the spring. Make sure you subscribe to our farm newsletter at www.sunnymarymeadow.com/newsletter.  The anatomy of a dahlia consists of three main parts: the body, neck, and eye. The body refers to the tuber, which is the underground storage organ of the plant. It is the main source of nutrients and energy for the dahlia. The neck is the narrow portion that connects the body to the stem. It acts as a transition point between the tuber and the above-ground growth. The eye, also known as the bud, is a small, dormant bud located on the neck. It is the starting point for new growth and the development of stems, leaves, and flowers. If it doesn't have an eye, you won't have a plant.
Our tuber sale happens in March every year.
Both hobby gardeners and flower farmers share a love for plants and flowers, their considerations differ significantly. Hobby gardeners focus on personal enjoyment and experimentation, while flower farmers prioritize market demand, scale, and financial viability. Understanding these distinctions can help individuals make informed decisions about their gardening pursuits.
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