Storing Dahlia Tubers: A Gardener's Guide

dahlias growing Nov 13, 2023

This blog is a summary of an episode of the Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast. Listen to it in its entirety below. 

Today, I want to delve into a topic that's close to every gardener's heart: storing Dahlia tubers.

Dahlias are such a delightful addition to any garden or flower farm, but what do we do with these beauties once the growing season ends? Storing Dahlia tubers properly is crucial to ensure they survive the winter and thrive in the next season.

In this episode, we discussed various methods of storing Dahlia tubers. One of the methods I personally use and recommend is storing them whole and dividing them in the spring. This method works well for me because it allows the tubers to retain their energy and vigor. However, I also mentioned other methods such as using vermiculite or sawdust.

Each method has its own set of advantages and considerations. Storing them whole and dividing them in the spring requires less effort initially, but you'll need space to store the tubers. On the other hand, using vermiculite or sawdust can be more space-efficient, but it requires more effort in the spring when you need to divide and inspect the tubers.

The best method for you depends on your specific situation. Consider factors such as the amount of space you have, the temperature and humidity levels in your storage area, and how much effort you're willing to put in.

Don't be afraid to try different methods and see what works best for you. Gardening is all about experimentation and learning from your experiences. I encourage you to share your own storage methods on social media. Let's create a community where we can learn from each other and grow beautiful Dahlias together.

Remember, the key to successful Dahlia storage is to assess your own situation and choose the method that works best for you. With a little care and attention, your Dahlias will reward you with their stunning blooms year after year.

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