Managing Expectations: Growing Sunflowers as Cut Flowers

growing sunflowers Nov 06, 2023

This blog is a summary of an episode of the Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast. Listen to it in its entirety below. 

As a flower farmer, I've learned that managing expectations is key when it comes to selling sunflowers as cut flowers. I find that I am constantly educating in order to help manage expectations, and sunflowers are among the top of that list. Photographers and YouPick customers are expecting to see a picturesque field. If I’m doing my job right, that won’t happen. I have to cut these flowers before they open, so a backdrop of open sunflowers means I lost a ton of money. 

Sunflowers are a beloved bloom, but they come with their own set of challenges, especially when it comes to timing and quality. In this episode of The Sunny Mary Meadow Podcast, I delve into these challenges and share insights on how to navigate them successfully.

One of the biggest challenges I face with sunflowers is timing. Once sunflowers are fully open, they are no longer ideal for selling. To address this, I've decided to sell them on my you-pick farm when they are slightly past open. This way, customers can still enjoy the beauty of the sunflowers while ensuring that they last longer in a vase.

However, getting customers to understand this concept can be difficult. Many expect the bouquets they pick at the you-pick farm to be of the same quality as the bouquets in their subscriptions. We pick our subscription bouquets at the optimal time, before it gets too hot each day, and let them rest in the cooler for at least a few hours. They will likely last 2-3 days longer than the flowers customers pick at YouPicks.

When it comes to the best varieties of sunflowers for cut flowers, I recommend choosing those with long stems, large sturdy blooms, and no pollen. These varieties not only make for beautiful bouquets but also last longer in a vase. Additionally, succession planting is key to ensuring a continuous supply of sunflowers throughout the season. By staggering planting times, you can extend the harvest and keep your customers happy.

Harvesting sunflowers at the right time is also crucial. I recommend harvesting them when the petals are barely opening. This ensures that the flowers are at their freshest and will last longer once arranged. Conditioning the sunflowers before arranging them can also help prolong their vase life.

In conclusion, growing sunflowers as cut flowers requires careful planning and attention to detail. By managing expectations, choosing the right varieties, and implementing succession planting, you can ensure a steady supply of beautiful sunflowers that will delight your customers.

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