Every Day Feels Like Friday When You Run a Flower Farm

business growth sales Jul 31, 2024

This week's episode of Flower Farmer Forum touches on a phrase I have found myself saying often lately, "every day feels like a Friday."

What does that mean? Well basically it boils down to the fact that being a business owner means every day is a workday, but every day feels like a fun workday. AKA, Friday.

Finding Joy in Flower Farming

One of the reasons why every day feels like a Friday for me is the sheer joy and fulfillment I find in flower farming. It’s a magical experience, from planting seeds to watching them bloom and seeing the smiles they bring to people's faces. This joy, however, doesn’t come without effort. To maintain this sense of fulfillment, intentional planning, hiring help, and creating efficient systems are crucial.

Hiring help has been a game-changer. It allows me to focus on what I love most—growing flowers and sharing my knowledge—while my team handles other tasks. This delegation is vital in reducing burnout and ensuring that the business runs smoothly.

The Importance of Goals and Systems

Setting clear goals and having predictable revenue streams are essential components of a successful business. They reduce stress and create a sense of calmness, knowing that the business is on a stable path. For me, this means planning our planting schedules meticulously, forecasting sales, and continuously analyzing our operations to improve efficiency.

Creating systems has also been pivotal. From order processing to field management, having systems in place ensures that everything runs like a well-oiled machine. This not only saves time but also enhances productivity and allows for better decision-making.

Building a Sustainable Future

As we look to the future, the goal is to build a sustainable business that can thrive for generations. This involves transitioning from being an operator to being an owner—delegating tasks, focusing on long-term growth, and scalability. It’s about building a business that doesn’t solely rely on my presence but can operate independently, ensuring its longevity.

Business ownership provides the flexibility to pursue other interests and passions while still running a successful enterprise. For me, it’s about balancing the art of flower farming with the science of business, creating a harmonious and fulfilling life.

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